Have you ever noticed that accomplished people seem to have an uncanny ability to adapt and adjust in just the right places at just the right time? They seem to fluidly keep on keeping on without losing a step. Since I quite often have to actively convince myself to keep going on some of my goals, the apparent ease of others intrigued me. The reality is that no matter how easy it may look for others, it is, in fact, a universal challenge. The key is in how we face those times when we simply ... Read More » about For those times when you just want to quit!
Inspiration & Creativity
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Are you leaving any life on the table?
There is a phrase used in business circles when talking about negotiations that have a broader application when you stop and think about it. It speaks to the difference between what someone actually pays and how much they are willing to pay. It’s referred to as the seller perhaps leaving “money on the table” by underpricing or giving in to negotiation pressure. It comes down to how much was possible from the transaction vs. how much was realized. Let’s think about this beyond just financial ... Read More » about Are you leaving any life on the table?
Which do you create? A probing question from Picasso
Resilience is demonstrated by what we create from our experiences in life. And with that, what we create has everything to do with our perspective. As Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are right.” This is particularly true when we touch on what we create. Perhaps you don’t even see yourself as someone who “creates” but I can assure you that you are. Each of us is a creative and we all have an innate need to create. It goes well ... Read More » about Which do you create? A probing question from Picasso