There is more value in the rest of our stories than we ever dreamed possible.
Learn. Live. Lead.
Writer. Possibilitarian.
Strategist. Mentor.
Welcome to my virtual home. I’m so glad you’re here, and I look forward to learning more about you and the impact you want to have in the world. I hope we can work together to make sure that happens!
I’m a confessed nester, and it seems the virtual world is no exception. We’re committed to putting the same love and care into the rooms of this virtual home that you would find if you walked through my front door in Spring, Texas.
What will you find here? I’m glad you asked. My goal is to let you know you are seen, believed in, and championed to make a difference.
Life is full of twists and turns. Navigating our way can be challenging sometimes. And those twists and turns? They aren’t just about sudden surprises or hard knocks. They are also about achieving what we want and welcoming unexpected opportunities. Twists and turns are just changes. And change is growth. When we have a clear sense of who we are and why we’re here, somehow, it all gets easier.
Now that I have joined the ranks of what I lovingly call the silver generation, I want to make sure that my experiences can help others (You!) and are put to good use through my writing, speaking, and mentoring. I call it the silver generation because gray just sounds dull, doesn’t it? Silver has more appeal. It sparkles. And that’s a good example of the choices we have as our lens for how we look at life.
Writing is what I do, but it’s not the sum total of who I am. My passion is learning and then applying that knowledge in new and innovative ways. The next step for me is not holding on to all that richness but sharing it as a leader and change-maker. Hence, my mantra of LEARN – LIVE – LEAD. Everything I care about and talk about fits within those three words.
That makes me an avid advocate of personal development and leadership. There are so many options out there. What to learn. How to learn it. When to learn it. Even who to learn it from. We have to be good stewards of our resources to make sure we are optimizing those choices and then putting that knowledge to work.
Realizing all the possibilities can be delightful and daunting. That’s where having a guide can make a difference.
With over thirty years of personal experience in personal development and leadership as a student, teacher, and mentor, that’s where I can help.
My professional life has been organically diverse because I’ve been immersed in the Supply Chain Industry. When you think about everything under that umbrella, you recognize that it’s about working with every industry out there. It’s like having a front-row seat to everything happening in the world. I still enjoy that work. My expertise is in business processes and intelligence. It’s about telling a better story. It’s fascinating and challenging and all about movement.
My personal life is much the same. It, too, is fascinating and challenging and all about movement.
I’m currently from Texas, but I didn’t start here. I’ve lived in Ohio, Michigan, Virginia, Illinois, and Texas—sometimes more than once! Travel is another love of mine, and nothing sparks my calendar juices more than having those stars on the horizon. But the movement hasn’t just been about places. It’s also been about life.
My life continues to be a journey I’m grateful for.
Taking the leap to start my own company, going back to college much later in life, finding my way to work that fulfills me as a writer, raising my daughter, and now enjoying three grand girls are just a few of the highlights of that journey. So far.
But it hasn’t been all rainbows and unicorns, as one of my granddaughters would say. We all face moments where we meet ourselves in unexpected times and ways. Health challenges. Money woes. Relationship disappointments. Career path detours. Life brings us to some hard places. We learn that we can do hard things. But life also has magic, and it’s there for us every day if we want to claim it.
Each day, I find more value in the rest of my story than I can fathom, and it’s vital to keep learning, living, and leading.
The same is true for you.
Together, let’s explore the path ahead and live the legacy we choose. That’s how we will make a meaningful contribution now and for every generation to follow.
What can we make possible?